Navigating Saturn Returns: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Personal Growth

written by

kaye ashbridge

Tarotist & Numberology

November 22, 2023

Life unfolds in cycles, a dance of celestial rhythms echoing within our existence. Beyond the apparent cycles of life and death, a tapestry of intricate patterns emerges at every turn. From the daily rhythm of the sun rising and setting to the monthly dance of the moon shaping ocean tides, the universe weaves a story of interconnected cycles.

Recently, I’ve found myself captivated by the enigmatic allure of Saturn. As I delve into the study of this celestial giant, I’m intrigued by its impact on human lives during its 28 to 30-year journey through the zodiac—a phenomenon known as the Saturn Return.

Saturn, the slow-moving taskmaster and Teacher Planet, takes nearly three decades to complete its circuit, returning to the precise position it held during your birth. Astrologers often note the Saturn Return occurring around 29.5 years after your birthdate, but its influence can be felt between 28 to 31 years and again at approximately 58 to 60 years of age. Lasting for 2 to 3 years, a Saturn Return presents a profound opportunity for introspection and growth.

In contrast to the more celebratory returns of planets like Venus, Saturn brings a unique energy of tough love and hard work. Representing responsibility, discipline, and accountability, Saturn’s influence tests our mettle. The second Saturn Return, in particular, demands a deep reflection on our lives, as it rekindles the challenges left unresolved during the first return.

Let’s take the example of self-discipline—a trait essential for personal growth. While Venus returns annually, bringing joy and warmth, Saturn’s energy pushes us to face the stern realities of life. If we don’t heed its call during the first return, the second return can become a formidable reckoning.

Despite common narratives surrounding Saturn Returns often emphasizing negative experiences—divorce, career stagnation, and relationship difficulties—it’s essential to recognize the potential for positive change. This transformative period offers a unique chance to evaluate personal accomplishments and set new intentions.

Saturn’s second return serves as a powerful benchmark for assessing how we’ve invested our life energy over the past 28 years. Whether celebrating mastery over self-discipline or confronting challenges, this introspective phase shapes the path forward into the next cycles of life.

Delving into the concept of shadow work, I draw parallels between Saturn and our shadow selves—a concept explored by psychologist Carl Jung. The shadow represents the unexplored facets of our personalities, often projected onto others. Just as Saturn’s return can unearth past pain and traumas, shadow work invites us to confront and transform our deepest wounds.

By facing our pain with honesty and taking responsibility for our actions, we embark on a journey of self-realization. This isn’t an easy path as it requires us to discard excuses and confront uncomfortable truths. Shadow work involves evaluating all aspects of our personalities, discerning their origins, and deciding whether they contribute to personal growth.

If you find yourself navigating a Saturn Return and seek guidance, I’m here to accompany you through this transformative journey. Embrace the challenges, celebrate your victories, and remember, you are loved just the way you are.

What is going on within us is always reflected in our experiences. There are patterns and with that the opportunity to pause, identify, and choose. Tarot is a beautiful way to tap into your patterns, so you can be more self-aware.