The High Priestess Tarot: Sacred balance of positive and negative.ย 

written by

kaye ashbridge

Tarotist & Numberology

January 28, 2024

Welcome to the enchanting world of Tarot, where each card holds a unique story waiting to be discovered. Today, we embark on a journey into the realm of the High Priestess, a card that whispers ancient wisdom and feminine grace.

In the mystical tapestry of Tarot, the High Priestess reigns supreme as the guardian of hidden truths and esoteric knowledge. She is pictured as a wise woman, draped in flowing robes, seated between two pillars that symbolize the dualities of life.

The High Priestess wears a flowing blue robe, the color of water, symbolizing the stream of consciousness and collective awareness. At her feet, a crescent moon is embraced by the tide, linking her to the moon’s gravitational pull and the natural rhythms that influence our bodies, minds and souls. 

The silver crown on the High Priestess’s head mirrors the Moon’s color and features a crescent waning and waxing moon with the full moon in the center. This is a horned diadem and is also the crown of Isis, the Egyptian Goddess of motherhood, birth, death, and rebirth. 

Seated between two pillars representing universal forces and sacred dualities, the High Priestess exudes balance amid opposites. The letters ‘B’ and ‘J’ on the pillars denote Boaz and Jachin, associated with Solomon’s Temple. Lotus buds atop the pillars signify potentiality, emphasizing the High Priestess’s connection to virginity.

Holding a scroll in her left hand, partially veiled, the High Priestess guards hidden knowledge, suggesting a need for personal growth and initiation in order to grasp profound truths. Her veiled appearance, crowned by a patterned veil between the pillars, underscores the boundary between worlds and the quest for understanding beyond the physical.

As we delve into the card, we encounter the dance of feminine and masculine energies. The High Priestess serves as a bridge between these dualities, harmonizing the yin and yang forces within each of us. In her stillness, she teaches us the importance of finding balance in our lives โ€“ a delicate equilibrium between strength and gentleness, logic and intuition.

The High Priestess in Tarot encourages us to embrace the delicate dance of dualities within ourselves. As you draw this card, remember that you are a vessel of both strength and intuition, a harmonious blend of the energies that shape the very fabric of existence. 

May your journey into the mystical realms of the High Priestess be filled with self-discovery, intuition, and the enchanting beauty of feminine and masculine dualities.

What is going on within us is always reflected in our experiences. There are patterns and with that the opportunity to pause, identify, and choose. Tarot is a beautiful way to tap into your patterns, so you can be more self-aware.